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Information literacy in Peru Universities: Viewing levels of incorporation from the information published on the websites of their libraries
Journal Title Biblios
Journal Abbreviation biblios
Publisher Group University of Pittsburgh (PITT)
Website http://biblios.pitt.edu/ojs/index.php/biblios
PDF (711 kb)
Title Information literacy in Peru Universities: Viewing levels of incorporation from the information published on the websites of their libraries
Authors Uribe Tirado, Alejandro
Abstract Objective. Identify from the information available on the websites of the libraries of universities/higher-education institutions (HEI) in Peru, the levels of incorporation, which would have the information literacy (Information Literacy) as a core and cross service of every library in the century XXI. Method. Based on the postulates of Web content analysis, an investigative process is done by recording the information gathered, first in a content tab, and then in a database that allows comparative analysis and graphical presentation results. Results. It was identified that, at present, from the information displayed on Web sites of universities- HEI in Peru, a very small percentage of university libraries would find taking actions in a level 1 or 2 of incorporating information literacy, since a large most developed is still very focused programs and processes to the traditional user training, while another large majority, unfortunately, has no action-information about actions from the forming perspective that should be any library. Conclusions. Require joint efforts among university libraries Peruvian-IES to support the more advanced the progress of the other libraries, and so the issue of information literacy, to work collaboratively in self-training activities, benchmarking, resource and learning objects sharing, among others.
Publisher University Library System, University of Pittsburgh
Date 2012-08-20
Source Biblios No 45 (2011)
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