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Značaj in funkcije političnih meja v Evropi
Journal Title Ars & Humanitas: Journal of Arts and Humanities
Journal Abbreviation arshumanitas
Publisher Group University of Ljubljana
Website http://revije.ff.uni-lj.si
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Title Značaj in funkcije političnih meja v Evropi
Authors Zupančič, Jernej
Abstract The political border limits a state’s territory and symbolizes the extent of a state’s power and ownership. Borders give integrity to the inner state territory which they enclose (the role of establishing national integrity) and at the same time form an outer boundary segregating the state territory from the surrounding politicial entities (the segregation role). European borders are old and reflect the political history of an old continent. The last major border changes happened after World War II. Over the centuries borders were merely lines separating one territory from another. Such borders were understood as »frontiers«. Forming an effective barrier against enemies was the overriding function of borders. Many borders were fortified and further enhanced by means of various defensive systems. In the second half of the 20th century the character of political borders changed. They became a contact area between countries, nations and cultures. Contemporary European borders reflect the colourful history of an old continent. They are predominantely functional markers: they represent the political and juridical delimitation of territories, they mark economic barriers and show their defensive nature and reveal the extent of cultural contact. As a result of European integration processes, the nature of political borders has changed: instead of division, their integration role is brought to the fore. A united Europe is nevertheless still not a borderless Europe! The borders within the »Schengen-area« have retained their political and administrative functions, it is just that the customs and security checks at the borders have been removed. During the period of European integration, borderlines were stabilized in accordance with the 1974 Helsinki Agreement. But despite this we can still observe ongoing changes to state borders, particularly in areas of conflict such as the Balkan peninsula. It seems after all that the process of demarcation of political borders has not yet come to an end.
Publisher Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakulte / Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts
Date 1970-01-01
Source Ars & Humanitas: Revija za umetnost in humanistiko Vol 2, No 1 (2008)
Rights @ Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta


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