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Journal Title Linguistica
Journal Abbreviation linguistica
Publisher Group University of Ljubljana
Website http://revije.ff.uni-lj.si
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Authors Zidar Forte, Jana
Abstract In postgraduate interpreter training, the main objective of the course is to help trainees develop various competences, from linguistic, textual and cultural competence, to professional and specific interpreting competence. For simultaneous interpreting (SI), the main focus is on mastering the SI technique and strategies as well as on developing and strengthening communicative skills, which will be discussed and illustrated with examples in the present paper. First, a brief overview will be given of all the necessary competences of a professional interpreter with greater emphasis on specific interpreting competence for SI. In the second part of the paper, various approaches will be described in terms of acquiring specific skills and strategies, specifically through a range of exercises. Besides interpreting entire speeches, practical courses should also consist of targeted exercises, which help trainees develop suitable coping strategies and mechanisms (later on almost automatisms), while at the same time “force” them to reflect on their individual learning process and interpreting performance. This provides a solid base on which trained interpreters can progress and develop their skills also after joining the professional sphere. Keywords: interpreter training, competence, strategies, skills, exercises. POVZETEK Glavni cilj podiplomskega študija tolmačenja je omogočiti študentom, da razvijejo različne vrste kompetenc, od jezikovne, besedilne in kulturne competence, do poklicne in posebne tolmaške kompetence. Pri pouku simultanega tolmačenja je glavni poudarek na usvajanju tehnike simultanega tolmačenja in strategij pa tudi na razvijanju in krepitvi komunikativnih spretnosti, kar bo predstavljeno in s primeri ponazorjeno v pričujočem članku. V prvem delu članka bodo na kratko predstavljene potrebne kompetence poklicnih tolmačev, z večjim poudarkom na posebni tolmaški kompetenci in strategijah za simultano tolmačenje. V drugem delu bodo opisani različni postopki usvajanja posebnih spretnosti in strategij prek usmerjenih tolmaških vaj. Poleg tolmačenja celotnih govorov bi morali študentje pri praktičnem usposabljanju spoznati tudi usmerjene vaje, ki pomagajo pri razvoju ustreznih strategij in mehanizmov, hkrati pa študente silijo k premisleku o svojem napredku in usvojenih tolmaških spretnostih. Tak pristop predstavlja dobro podlago, na osnovi katere lahko tolmači napredujejo in nadalje razvijajo svoje spretnosti tudi po vstopu v poklicni svet tolmačev. Ključne besede: študij tolmačenja, kompetenca, strategije, spretnosti, vaje.
Publisher Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Date 2013-07-12
Source Linguistica Vol 1, No 52 (2012): Spoken discourse


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