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The Science of Intelligence for Big, Complex Work
Journal Title International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC)
Journal Abbreviation i-jac
Publisher Group International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE)
Website http://online-journals.org
Title The Science of Intelligence for Big, Complex Work
Authors Gray, Pamela Noel; Gray, Xenogene
Abstract An epistemological 5GL shell, eGanges, offers systemic intelligence for big, complex work. It is designed for construction of e-learning aids in the workplaces of the finite domains of law, management and education; there may be other suitable uses as well. Law is concerned with large, complex social organisation, and business is concerned with large, complex commercial organisations; work skills for each organisation are taught in tertiary education. This paper illustrates how eGanges aids may be learned in these higher education vocational courses and then, applied seamlessly in the workplace. eGanges applications in the Australian Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006, and the tasks of a corporate CEO are used to illustrate the nature of the e-Learning and Workplace aids. A major feature of these aids is that they can effect quality control because they permit precise, pre-planned micro-management with electronic memory and speed; they are super-agile aids that can be ubiquitous and foster common, comprehensive understanding of large, complex work matters. They show how a science of intelligence supports a leap in the coherence and co-ordination required for big societies and large work forces.
Publisher assel university press GmbH
Date 2009-04-01
Source 1867-5565
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